5Rhythms is a dynamic movement meditation.
It’s a free dance embodied practice aiming at increasing awareness and presence in the here and now.
Each of the rhythms has a different energy, and will have a unique flavor for each individual.





Dancing through all the 5rhythms is called a wave.
While in Flowing we can connect to our roots feeling deeply into who we are.
Finding clarity, intention and passion during the Staccato part.
In Chaos, there is an invitation to let go of all the unnecessary baggage we carry,
so we can lighten up in Lyrical to find expansion and ecstasy.
Stillness will bring about centering and healing through the vastness of the empty space.
It’s a practice done mostly in a group, as this setting can teach us so much about ourselves.
The dance is guided in a way that it brings about an internal inquiry, that can lead us to knowing our inner voices more intimately. Learning presence, through the body, can be healing, allow more freedom and renew aliveness in our daily life.
This practice creates a safe space in which we can express ourselves in our uniqueness, whatever and however it might look like. Its Drug and alcohol free, and mostly includes no talking. It does not require any special ability and can be done even on a chair, if needed.
5Rhythms is a dance, and still it’s much more. Through the wave, we have a chance to peel some of our masks, drop some of our routines, and rediscover our authentic self, not conditioned by circumstances and events, reclaiming our freedom and joy.

events & dates

upcoming workshops
regular class
OSHO Afroz Meditation Center
Winter Waves
every Saturday 12 - 14 pm
more info:
5rhythms with Gramya - one step at a time
other events & classes
Athens 2023
Feb 4th, 18 - 20 pm
Feb 5th, 12 - 14 pm
more info:
5rhythms with Gramya - one step at a time
past workshops
OSHO Afroz Meditation Center
30.8 - 03.09 2022
more info:
5rhythms with Gramya - one step at a time
Osho Afroz Meditation Center
more info:
5rhythms with Gramya - one step at a time
Osho Afroz Meditation Center
OSHO Afroz Meditation Center
Soar into the Unknown
30.8 - 03.09 2022
more info:
5rhythms with Gramya - one step at a time
Osho Afroz Meditation Center
It took a while to realize those voices are coming from my knees. I thought I’m going a bit nuts, but kept dancing.
It took a few months of attending regular 5Rhythms classes to understand - it was not weird at all. I knew that our bodies hold on to all our stories and fears. They hold on to whatever we wanted to say but couldn’t, to every tear we needed to cry but did not dare. All our beliefs and patterns reside in our bones, organs and muscles.
The 5rhythms, deep free dance, while aware and present, is providing me with a 'hearing aid', enabling me to listen to the whispers of my most inner self.
I have been a nomad most of my life, but in small manageable doses. Ten years ago I took on nomad life as my home rhythm. I left my quiet apartment, my secure job, and in the following years I experienced ways of life I knew nothing about. Along this path I have met Osho’s work and accepted Sannyas, being a permanent pupil. For me being a Sannyasin is a constant reminder to be drawn to the questions, rather then looking for answers.
I have been a nomad most of my life, but in small manageable doses. Ten years ago I took on nomad life as my home rhythm. I left my quiet apartment, my secure job, and in the following years I experienced ways of life I knew nothing about. Along this path I have met Osho’s work and accepted Sannyas, being a permanent pupil. For me being a Sannyasin is a constant reminder to be drawn to the questions, rather then looking for answers.
I was born In Israel in 1962. My mother land has known many wars, civil unrest, huge number of terror attacks and the oppression of another nation. Growing up, in this surrounding, pushed me to believe that this world is violent and kindness to others is not a valid option.
At 56, on the dance floor, I had come to realize, I can quietly say to myself, that it is safe to be kind and still survive.
In the last 10 years dancing has been my medicine, my salvation, and my passion, making it easy for me to choose 5rhythms as the path to bring myself to full expression.
I teach 5rhythms as a dance meditation, as the art of being present in the here and now. As the art of unveiling the self to find love in our core.

or +372 54377217

check 5 rhythms with Gramya - one step at a time on facebook
for updates on current classes and events